“Greenfield” software development

Our specialists have great experience in software projects developed from the ground up. If your company is looking forward to build brand-new software or website we’re ready to provide our services on all steps of ALM cycle.

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“Brownfield” software development

If your company has existing applications with codebase that may be contaminated by poor practices, structure, and design but has the potential to be revived through comprehensive and directed refactoring, we can provide our consulting and share our experience in legacy software modernization.

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Latest Web Development Technologies

In our Web development projects our company uses the latest Web technologies.

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html 5 css 3

Full ALM Support

Our specialist will assist you through all the steps of software development, beginning with Requirements Management and then through Architecture, Modeling, Design, Testing and Deployment.

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Application Life-cycle Management

BE&E Software provides broad spectrum of software development services. Specialists at BE&E Software will design and develop a modern desktop or web application for you.

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Desktop Applications

Specialists at BE&E Software will design and develop a modern desktop application for you. We will design user interface of your application base on the latest UI standards. Then we will build your desktop application using Microsoft® recommended best practices and development patterns. We use automated testing tools to ensure reliability and stability of your application. Our specialist will deploy application in your company at very early stages on the project to get your users’ feedback and ensure that final project will meet your company goals and implement required functionality.

Database Development

BE&E Software has a great experience in database development projects. We provide services on designing new database based on your business requirements or extending existing database adding new functionality to existing database applications. Upon delivery, we provide Logical Data Model and Physical Data Model (SQL Server implementation). We can also provide an SQL script to deploy your database to SQL Server 2019 or 2022.

Responsive Web Design

BE&E Software provides Web Development services using latest web technologies like Microsoft® ASP.Net Core, HTML 5 and CSS 3. We can modernize websites that look outdated and, at the same time, upgrade the business logic of your application. We can re-use your existing web service or write new ones providing secure and reliable communications between your web front-end and corporate back-end. If necessary, we can add new functions to existing websites, or develop band new website for your company.

Latest Works

Traffic Volume Inventory System

Release 1 of Traffic Volume Inventory System was successfully deployed to production. Our specialists continue their consulting services developing second release of Traffic Volume Inventory System for Ontario Ministry of Transportation.

Computer Based Training Online Exam Registration

In March 2011 our specialists completed development of Web Services for College of Family Physicians of Canada Computer Based Training Online Exam Registration project.

Dynamics AX ERP integration package

In September 2010 our specialists developed the integration package for HDS Retail North America Dynamics AX ERP. This package allowed HDS Retail North America to continue using their Fujitsu POS terminals with newly implemented Dynamics AX ERP.

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